Local Sponsors
Sidbury C of E Primary School
Church Street, Sidbury, Devon. EX10 0SB
We are a forward-thinking school with a passion to prepare our children for a rapidly changing world. We will actively seek opportunities to equip children with thinking skills, global perspective, and respect for British values. Developing these skills is the corner stone of the education we offer; through working collaboratively we strive to ensure that every child enjoys self-worth, self-motivation and a high self-esteem. Success and challenge should be part of every child’s learning journey in order to ensure that they are prepared for tomorrow.
Ventrus Multi Academy Trust
Woodwater Lane, Exeter. EX2 5AW
Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools. Our partnerships are based on networks of likeminded people working together on a shared area of strength, weakness or interest to facilitate understanding that secures continuous school improvement. Our capability and capacity to deliver “excellence” comes from our track record of sustainable school improvement and the fact that the children from Ventrus schools achieve well. We welcome those who share our visions and values to work with or alongside us enabling every child to receive the best possible educational experience.
Westcountry Angling Passport
Westcountry Rivers Trust. Rain-Charm House, Kyl Cober Parc Stoke Climsland PL17 8PH
The Angling Passport Scheme offers fishing for wild brown trout, sea trout, salmon, grayling and coarse fish in unrivalled surroundings. There are 29 beats available as Token Fisheries and also the extensive Dartmoor Fishery on the East and West Dart and tributaries. In addition, Westcountry Angling Passport tokens can be used at all of the South West Lakes Trust Fisheries and also on most of the other Passport Schemes around the UK. Tokens are bought in books of 10 valued at £3 per token with Token Fishery beats ranging from 2 to 5 tokens per angler per day. The Dartmoor Fishery operates on a day, week or season ticket basis starting at £10 for a day’s brown-trouting; tokens can be used as payment or part payment to purchase Dartmoor tickets.