Local Sponsors
Severn Trent
PO Box 407, Darlington, DL1 9WD.
We’re embarking on one of the biggest nature projects across the UK, by boosting nature across 5000 hectares of land in the Severn Trent region by 2027 – in total that’s an area bigger than Gloucester! By doing this we’ll also be helping to deliver 1% of the government’s Nature Recovery Network of 500,000 hectares, as part of their 25-year Environment Plan. We're very lucky to have a region that is blessed with rich, diverse and beautiful landscapes and habitats, which are a vital partner to our reservoirs, treatment works and many pipelines. Put simply, they capture, hold, clean, and carry your water until we need to take it. So, as you’d expect, we plan to look after these wonderful natural assets. Here’s a flavour of some of the things we’ll be doing as part of our environment commitments across our region: Planting over 1.3 million trees by 2030 - Supporting the growth of more wildflower meadows - Restoring moorland - Bog and peatland restoration. To do this we’re going to continue to work with some of the most distinguished partners to deliver a range of projects to support the water cycle, these include; RSPB, Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Rivers Trust and Moors for the Future.
The Severn Rivers Trust
Unit 3, Hope House Farm Barns, Hope House Lane, Martley. WR6 6QF
An independent environmental charity established to secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of the rivers, streams, watercourses and water bodies in the Severn catchment.