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Drowes Salmon Fishery
Drowes Salmon Fishery. Lareen Estate Kinlough, Co Leitrim
The Drowes Fishery is one of Ireland's premier spring salmon and grilse fisheries. The Drowes is among the earliest opening salmon fisheries in the country and regularly claims the honour of producing Ireland's first salmon of the season on opening day, January 1st.
An angler's guide to the best fishing in Ireland.
Inland Fisheries Ireland. Swords Business Campus Swords Co. Dublin.
Ireland is recognised as being the outstanding fishing holiday destination in Europe. The vast variety and quality of fishing in Ireland makes it the perfect destination for your angling holiday. Please have a look at our guide on our website.
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Many thanks to The Drowes Salmon Fishery - Salmon Fishing & Accommodation in Ireland for facilitating this camera's location and capitally funding its installation. The River Drowes holds a prominent position among Ireland's top salmon fisheries during the spring and summer seasons, while sea trout sightings are infrequent. It boasts a healthy population of brown trout, further enhancing its appeal to anglers.The much-anticipated spring salmon fishing season commences on January 1st, and it is a rare occurrence for opening day to pass without a catch. The peak of the spring run typically transpires in April, and some seasons even see notable activity in March. May offers excellent fishing opportunities, while June witnesses the pinnacle of the grilse run. By August and September, anglers primarily focus on resident fish within the river.The River Drowes, spanning approximately 4.5 miles, captivates with its picturesque charm, encompassing a catchment area of 103 square miles. Throughout its course, there are 55 named pools. The upper section, extending to Fur Masters Bridge, presents a delightful series of streams. The middle section, leading to Lennox's Bridge, features predominantly fast-flowing waters, rendering it most productive during medium to low-water conditions. The final stretch, reaching the tide, showcases a combination of streams, pools, and deep, slow waters, including a remarkably prolific sea pool that proves particularly fruitful during high tide, especially on a spring tide. The commercial traps at the river mouth have remained inactive and dilapidated since 1979.With no specific beat system in place, there are no restrictions on the number of rods per day. All legitimate fishing techniques are permitted, and salmon readily take a fly from April onwards. Preferred fly patterns include the Silver Doctor, Curry's Red Shrimp, Silver Rat, Hairy Mary, Blue Charm, the Badger, and the Garry Dog. During summer, these flies are often fished as small as size 14 low-water doubles.While brown trout fishing may not receive as much attention, it offers enjoyable sport, particularly during summer evenings, with Blue-Winged Olives and Sedges serving as effective flies.The Drowes Fishery holds a distinguished status as one of Ireland's premier spring salmon and grilse fisheries. It stands out as one of the earliest opening salmon fisheries in the country, consistently claiming the honor of yielding Ireland's first salmon of the season on January 1st. Flowing approximately 5 miles, the river boasts over 70 named pools, originating from Lough Melvin at Lareen Bay and eventually meeting the sea at Tullaghan, just outside Bundoran. With a diverse range of water types suitable for various fishing methods, including extensive stretches of fly water and deeper, slower pools ideal for spinning and bait fishing, the Drowes Fishery offers a versatile fishing experience.The fishery's headquarters are located at Lareen Estate, where the river emerges from Lough Melvin. Visitors can access the fishery office and tackle shop on the estate, where fishing permits and licenses are obtainable, and boats and engines are available for hire. Additionally, the estate offers 11 holiday cottages situated near the water's edge, providing year-round rental accommodations.