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Many thanks to The Swan Inn for facilitating this camera's location.  Middleton Hall, located a mile north of the village that shares its name, originates from the late 14th century, serving as a fortified manor house during that time. Today, the habitable section has been converted into a farmhouse. This historical site holds significant importance and is classified as a scheduled monument and a grade 2 listed building, enjoying legal protection. Architecturally, Middleton Hall, as captured by Matthew Emmott, exemplifies a fusion of styles spanning various centuries. The original 14th century structure comprised the north and south ranges, while fortified courts with substantial walls were added in the 15th century. Notably, the modern section is found within the south range. An archway, situated above a former gatehouse in the western court, remains a prominent feature. Furthermore, a stable from the 16th century still stands within the western court. Over time, alterations were made to reduce the size of the hall by demolishing a portion during the 16th century. However, remnants of the past endure, including two 15th century windows, original screen passage doorways, and a 16th century projection featuring an eastern stairwell. Within the south wing, one can find a chimney stack, 16th century windows, and a 17th century window. It is important to note that Middleton Hall is privately owned and not accessible to the public. Addressing concerns related to flooding along the A683, a Farson streaming webcam has been strategically positioned to provide real-time monitoring of water levels and road conditions in the area.